Saturday 25 October 2008


Not long after we all piled back into the car to come home this morning, FP noticed that "someone smells a bit foxy".
All eyes turned to me and then (mercifully) back to the road. It was no good; I knew I was rumbled and before I had the chance even to lay quietly in my bed and make it smell of fox too. Sigh.
It was quite good fun in the bath though. FP was soaked by the time I'd finished and owing to the towering performance I gave of a really sorry dog, I was rewarded with treats - awesome! Plus, I noticed that we used the last of the shampoo(ch), so we won't be having a repeat bath tomorrow as no-one can shop so quickly. Phew, there's a chance that the special pile of fox doot I found this morning will still be there tomorrow...

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