Thursday 10 July 2008


I hate the sound of rain on a plastic roof! I also don't much like the way the sea runs at you when all you did was dip your tippy toes in. Hedgehogs, don't like those either.
The weather has turned bad on us and we're confined to barracks and the plastic roof torture so I've decided to whinge.
Actually the sea is quite funny and what I like to do is take my toy out until I'm up to my collar and then drop it so that ST has to strip off his shoes and socks, wade into the perishingly cold surf and retrieve it! Makes me laugh. I try and splash him too by jumping up and down.
Last night I struck gold with the relatives and managed to snaffle some roast beef scraps, a bit of potato, some sticky toffee pudding and (AND) a lick of ice cream! Am thinking of booking a holiday with ST's sister.

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