Kong Wubba's almost entirely unstitched! At any moment it could all unravel and I'll be left with a bit of soggy rag and a blue tennis ball. Sigh.
I've had a lot of enjoyment out of Kong Wubba (KW) after what can only be described as a slow start:
KW came into our lives on one of FP's whims in Pets @ Home. I was checking out the treats aisle and she came along with this toy. To make her happy (and so that she'd buy some of the treats I was indicating with my ears as being of interest to me) I licked it without really taking a proper look. Next thing, it's in the car and many of the treats I had been hankering after were still in the shop. Clearly I was more interested in analysing why my ears had failed to bring me all the treats I wanted despite being fully extended in that special collie way and not so much in this blue, supposedly indestructible, double-squeaker mechanism'd usurper of Tugger's place on a walk in the park.
I remember vividly how once FP had realised that I was not going to chase KW on that walk she let 2 terriers have a go at it. They nearly went crazy shaking it about like a rat!
After that walk KW was left in the car for ages and I forget how it was brought into the house but one day I discovered that the double-squeak mechanism was an awesome way to get ST and FP off the phone when I was feeling like having all their attention. I'd say it's almost impossible to talk sensibly for longer than 3-4 minutes while a collie squeaks a KW nearby.
After this discovery KW was rarely far from my reach and no phone call lasted longer than is necessary to exchange key pieces of information.
Since the partial puncturing and loss of the double squeak function, KW has been gradually deteriorating so that there are probably only one or two really decent power matches left in it where I have hold of the squeaking end and ST/FP has hold of the raggy end.
ST has already bought me a replacement because he can't stand to see me upset and I love him for that. He had to go a long way to find that replacement - top owner!
KW - I salute you for the great entertainment you have brought me (and ST & FP). Also, for being there after Tugger was lost at sea. I know I didn't chase you on the beach but that was for your own good.