Sunday, 31 August 2008


I find puppies confusing. They are very bouncy, elbow-y and bits of them seem to always be escaping and getting behind you. Just keeping them in sight is a job and a half most of the time. I am much taller than puppies so it was a surprise this morning to find myself eye-ball-to-eye-ball with a sprightly Hungarian Viszler type of puppy. It was a moment or two before I realised it was standing on its hind legs and had me in a sort of bear-hug.
And then it was gone! Off down the path with legs flying out at all angles. I only remembered to growl when it was out of earshot, so it will never know until I see it again that I'M THE BOSS! Collies are always (ALWAYS) in charge! I refer people who doubt this to several episodes of 'Dog Borstal' and 'The Dog Whisperer' (although, strictly speaking, I disapprove strongly of both programmes) where experienced dog trainers freely and openly admit that they do not choose to live with collies because we (collies) are much more intelligent than them (dog trainers).
It's just as well that ST & FP understand about the collie-in-charge (CinC) thing. For instance, at lunchtime today FP stepped out of the loft straight into my rarely used upstairs bed and nearly broke an ankle on a jumbone I stashed there last Christmas. Now, putting aside the questions of why on earth the loft entrance is a foot and a half up a wall and why my rarely used upstairs bed is in the blessed way, what happened next illustrates perfectly the balance we have achieved as a pack:
there was no shrieking and writhing around in pain over the injured ankle but rather the focus fell on replacing the rock-hard, inedible 9 month old jumbone with a brand new one!
Yes, people, I think you'll agree that I rule and it seems to suit both ST & FP.
I bid you good day.

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