Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Still finding it hard

Squirrels seem so unimportant now that Tugger's gone...But I know that dear old Tug wouldn't want me to abandon my struggle against the critters who've inhabited the Neighbour's roof-space. So I'm redoubling my efforts for Tugger. Sigh.
The cranky Dalmatian who's decided to organise the local dogs has called a meeting for next week and we all have to take our evidence along so that it can be assessed by some ex-police dogs. They'll sketch out some action plans on the basis of what we can tell them and we'll formulate our longer term strategy together, so if you hear a lot of barking next week it's us lot and we're doing it for you, so don't complain.
Gosh, you see how touchy I am? I used to be such a happy-go-lucky kind of dog. Toys mean a lot to dogs, you know and we can be badly affected by their loss when it's as sudden as me losing Tugger at the weekend. As I've told you before I do take careful notes of routes when FP & ST take me off somewhere in the car so that I can find my way home should they inadvertently leave me behind. I could (not saying I will yet) head back to Norfolk with some leaflets and drum up some interest in a full-scale search...Hmmmm, I'll give it some thought.
Meanwhile the meeting next week will help distract me. That and some treats; where's FP? I'll go and do sad face at her.

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