Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Silence is golden

FP and I are developing a kind of sign language so that we can manage the Spider Under the Sofa situation. I tested how silent FP is by running off down the street earlier and she couldn't utter even a squeak, so I came back because I felt sorry for her and her silent scream facial expression. I'm talking about a full-blown Munch-style horror-struck face, you know.
Our communication starts with a whistle which is my cue to leave my usual post by the window and get into the study PDQ. FP points, I do a sort of 'thumbs up' equivalent with my ears and then carry out a recce of the sofa area. We're hoping to eventually trap the spider so that we can remove it to ST's room where he can live with the horrible knowledge that it's behind him for a while.

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