I had it all planned. I stumbled across some fox doot in the park and knew instantly that it was perfect for me and the weather conditions (mizzling rain was forecast which is essential for activating Eau de Fox). I looked around to make sure ST and FP were distracted; they weren't but I have been training them recently to suspect nothing whenever I roll on the grass. They just think that I'm hot and trying to cool down. I smiled reassuringly at them and rolled extravagantly in my doot, realising too late that FP had come over to check out my activities. Damn but she's a wily one!
Immediately they discussed putting me in the bath as soon as we got home and I think it was only the arrival of Murphy the tugger-pinching boxer that made them forget.
My plan was progressing smoothly as the mizzle was not due until the evening when I normally hassle ST into opening the door for me at irregular intervals, regardless of the weather. Sometimes all I do is sniff the air from the doorway. Other times I go belting up the garden and smash into the fence, make my paws really muddy and then try to make it all the way up the stairs without being attacked with a towel.
Suddenly, part way through the day, I noticed that ST and FP were talking about going out - and they weren't taking me with them!
"Curses!", I thought, "If ST's out then I can't be because there's no-one to open the door!" My plans were in ruins.
And then I thought, "Hang on, I can wait until they get back and then go out in the mizzle to activate the doot smell on my fur and then I can transfer the scent of Eau de Fox on their going out clothes and scupper all future plans to go off and do stuff without me!" I'll ask you now to imagine a slightly deranged grin on my face as I chuckled quietly under my breath.
Needless to say that these innovations to my original plan worked perfectly and there'll be no more gallivanting for those two until the dry cleaning is done!
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