Monday, 13 October 2008


Something I like to do when left to my own devices is rip out all the rubbish from a bin. Then, if I'm lucky and because FP (bless her) likes to snack, I like to chew to pieces all the food wrappers I find - it's great fun!
Well, I say fun but later on when my activities are discovered I do have to go all hang-dog and pretend to be sorry for making a mess.
I'm not sorry though! It isn't like I've pooed on the carpet (which, BTW, I've NEVER done)!
I was once caught in the act of scoffing a chocolate orange which was nearly the cause of a poo on the carpet. FP came back unexpectedly because she'd forgotten something and there was I standing with my hind legs on the back of the sofa, still gripping the shelves with my front paws whilst I ate - I couldn't have looked more guilty! I did my best to appear penitent but TBH I was already beginning to feel queasy.
Moral of this story is: stick to ripping up rubbish bins and LEAVE THE SHELVES ALONE!

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