Sunday, 12 October 2008

FP can speak!

Those search & rescue collies are even better than I thought! No sooner had we given them the details of what we'd lost when FP started making little squeaking sounds! Took me a while to realise she was speaking but after a while I let the dolphin part of my brain take over and she began making sense! Plus, Kong Wubba seems to be squeaking more too - now THAT'S a bargain!
I've been supervising a great deal of work in the garden over the last few days which is why I haven't had time to blog much - it's not that nothing's happening, just me being busy, busy, busy! Usual collie stuff; put that there, don't dig here (you'll find my secret stash of jumbones) and moving on by-standers who stopped in the street to watch. Honestly, haven't people got better things to do with their time than interrupt a collie supervising 2 people digging?
Sonny has been visiting his former owners as Sunday's his day off. Means I have to do stuff for myself on Sundays which reminds me how blessed I am to have an Assistant the rest of the week.
Mmmm, I can smell nice things cooking so I'm off to investigate the left-over potential.

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