Sunday, 5 October 2008

Rain, rain, rain - I love it!

I'm worn out but extremely happy. This morning our walk was conducted in pouring rain which meant there were puddles a-plenty, hardly any other people around and a good game of Towel afterwards.
Puddles are good for 2 main reasons:
  1. I can drop Tugger (new) in them
  2. I can drink from them

Admittedly both these activities mean I get moaned at from both ST and FP but I can live with that and, besides, FP still has no voice so she couldn't actually order me out the puddles I was drinking. ST still grumbled about not having wellies on when he had to drag a soaked Tugger (new) from the middle of the biggest puddle on the top terrace but I just think he does it for form's sake these days.

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