Thursday, 7 August 2008

More rain

In the park they've put an end to dogs going in the pond because of the 'wild life'. Never looked that wild to me; mostly it was a heron standing on the stage telling filthy jokes to the coots who only ever politely chuckled (they never understood the heron).
FP's had a "crappy week". Think that means it hasn't been good and deffo not the kind of thing that would have been easily picked up in a little poo bag. If my understanding is correct (and I think I'm not far off), this week would have been a runny mess.
Speaking of runny messes (!) I was in a right pickle last night with the thunder. Depsite my name, I am a total coward in a storm and only managed to keep it together by gathering my pack into the study and listening to classical music for a couple of hours. ST & FP are reasonable about having their lives disrupted in this manner and know that they should ignore the advice on that website they consulted which states that they should not pet me, nor try to make me feel better during stormy weather. They absolutely should pet me, brush me and give me treats (especially cheese) at all times. Even though I appear to be out of my head during a storm I am still keeping track of treat-giving.
Remember people: keep out of the pond!

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