Sunday, 27 July 2008

A few tips

Finally my contact showed up and I was able to come indoors and get some kip.

Some of you might need some tips for helping in the fight against squirrels living in roof spaces:

  • Always know who's behind you by checking in a casual, non-obvious manner (see photo of me looking nonchalant)

  • Fit listening devices in flowers (see photo of 'daisies')

  • Try to look like you are not doing anything suspicious by just slightly closing your eyes (see photo of me in zen-like trance on a step - wasn't I just meant to be there doing that?)

  • Work out where all the best hiding places are in your garden, then pee on them to make them yours (no photo)



Peter Dixon (Owner) said...

Hello NuNu
Big Pete - who thinks he is my owner, has told me about you, and thinks we might be friends. Here is my Page which is NOT a Blog but a DLOG

bye bye 4 now
Princess Leia

Chris Morgan said...

Route out those bushy-tailed critters. I was once set upon by a squirrel while eating a Snickers in the park.