Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Breaking off main task

Evening. Currently v. busy as next-door Neighbours have reported strange noises from the roof. I suspect a squirrel has moved in and is intending to make trouble for us all...But not if I have anything to do with it! Oh no. I simply will not stand for squirrels keeping potential snack providers awake all night with their skitterings and carrying-on. It's just not on.
I've started a programme of surveillance which includes regular high-speed blasts through the house and standing on the lawn looking for all the world like I'm a harmless dog when in fact I am sniffing the air for tell-tale whiffs associated with squirrels. Additionally I am rounding FP downstairs and making her aware of my activities re the whole squirrel threat, which I think is appreciated although, TBH, she hasn't said as much so far.
It was ST who first let on about what the Neighbours had said and just as well too. Luckily I was able to pick up some tips from the other dogs in the park. Ziggy was v. helpful even though Barney was being a real pain in the neck what with his constant jumping up on Ziggy (Ziggy being taller by about 3-4 stacked food bowls). Barney, in fairness, was attempting to rip the tennis ball they share from Ziggy's mouth and it must be frustrating to be a short dog living and sharing toys with a leggy beast like Zig.
Scout is taller again than Ziggy and surprisingly uninformed about the Squirrel issue. Scout has dreamy owners and is probably encouraged to embrace Squirrels in case one day they manage to dominate the world. Can you imagine? There'd be buried piles of acorns all over the place...Where would we dogs manage to fit in the bonios we have to bury, eh?
I didn't get to ask Timber what he thought of Neighbour's predicament but I have heard that he has a blog running too so I'll run a search after lights out during one of my newly scheduled patrols.
Right, time for my next foray into the garden...

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