Monday, 7 July 2008

Who knew?

So last night we were walking back from our third (count 'em!) walk of the day and I saw a movement just by the hedge. Well, any dog knows that sort of thing needs to be checked out without delay so I shot over there (despite still being on a lead) only to discover the hard way what a hedgehog is.
Why is there an animal made entirely of prickles? I cannot work it out at all and my abrupt introduction to this little fella last night meant that once we were home FP had to tend to my nose in a gentle manner. I made out it was no problem and that I was fine but deep down I was seething. Prickles! I ask you.
I also have to bring to peoples' attention the fact that I am a Dancin' Queen. Nothing wrong with Abba; very jolly music.

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