Monday, 16 March 2009

Steve Claridge

Dear Mrs. Photon,
I have considered Steve Claridge (carefully) and as I was doing so I turned on the radio. Maybe it was fate, maybe not but there he was speaking to me! I looked him up on a soccer site:
These are my thoughts:
  • SC half laughs whilst commenting and this re-assures me that he really does know what he's talking about because the laugh lets me know it's obvious
  • he reacts to what the lead commentator has just said which proves he's listening and sometimes that's more than I can claim (!)
  • he's never yet (to my knowledge) openly criticised Alan Green for being one of the most miserable people on radio
  • he's loyal - as evidenced by the fact that he has played for several teams TWICE.

Steve Claridge - respect to you.

I've had a nerve-jangling day (except for the moments during which I was thinking about SC). Daisy'sDad was going crazy earlier and I had to stay close to ST in case he needed protecting. I was all strung out and looking forward to when FP arrived home but she still hasn't done the decent thing and fetched a pig's ear out of the cupboard for me. I shall fix her with a special berry eyes glare and anticipate being ensconced with a snack of at least some description v. soon.

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