Monday, 9 March 2009

Rain check

Hmmm, looks like my Special Puddle will be only sparingly refilled over the week ahead. I love my Special Puddle; it is shaped like a really big foot (a foot about 4 meters long, in fact) and it's on some grass so there are lovely boggy environs. I always drop Tugger in my Special Puddle and we laugh together - me, FP & ST - as one of them has to go in and get Tugger back. I tell them: "This is why you have wellies!" and I think they understand.
When I'm in my Special Puddle I dig up the muddy water to make sure that my belly is completely covered. This is how I ensure that FP knows I been kipping on the bed (muddy paw prints, dust everywhere) during the day whilst she was off doing whatever she finds more interesting clearly than spending every waking minute tending to me. I have fur to be brushed, a snack schedule to keep and there's always barking to be done! It's sometimes more than a little dog can manage on her own! Sigh.
Now that the evenings are drawing out I think I might take watercolour painting.

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