Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Mr Dixon

I'm giving out lots of empathy, sniff the breeze.
Some days there's just loads of poo around and when you've as many legs as I have it is inevitable that you will tread in some. Sometimes it's really messy poo and sometimes it's dry, chalky stuff and you think "Phew! That's lucky", because it is all relative, you see: dry poo is better than sloppy poo, even though both stink and you'd rather not tread in either.
And that's a bit like life. People can sometimes remind me of poo, especially teenaged people:
  • they can smell bad, or not so bad
  • they can leave you thinking that you'd cheerfully never set eyes on them again, or "Phew"
  • they will always be there, just like poo

I know that this is probably no replacement for the offer of bubble-wrap to jump on but perhaps my little nugget of wisdom delivered straight from the heart will bring a little smile to your face?

With best wishes for a better day etc.


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