Thursday, 30 October 2008
Potato took so long to cook!
Butter wouldn't melt
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Long Walk today
But that's not all...FP's crazy idea to make me walk to the park this morning meant that I couldn't sing without attracting a following like the Pied Piper so I just kept quiet.
Then we went past all those houses where I think a lot of foxes hang around so I had to sniff each and every one very closely.
THEN when we reached the park and I could run about chasing Tugger (new), FP went and threw it in a tree!
THEN I had to guard the tree whilst she jumped up and down trying to free Tugger (new) using sticks, broken off branches, borrowed umbrellas, my lead (which also temporarily became stuck) etc. All to no avail and there's me having to drive away other dogs who thought if they could get Tugger (new) down they could keep it.
Eventually a taller person came along who wielded the broken off branch rather more skillfully than FP did.
I was relieved and set about chasing Tugger (new) like I haven't chased it before. In fact, facing today's walk and possibly the rest of my life without Tugger (new) has changed the way I feel about it and I've decided to leave off including a bracketed 'new' after every mention. I'm sure that my old Tugger will understand as it must by now be somewhere near Norway.
But that's not all!
THEN I had to hang around and wait whilst FP chatted with other dog walkers! For ages! Don't they understand but at all? Dog walkers is what we call them because dog walking is their only task and yet they gather in huddled groups gossiping...Honestly.
Of course the lengthy gossip session meant that I forgot about having to walk home so I went on chasing Tugger with all my new found love for it and it was only when the lead came back out that I realised I didn't have a ride home.
My paws!
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Time to call in the search & rescue collies again - they did a good job of finding FP's voice and even part of Kong Wubba's squeak has returned. Can't have been easy finding that since it doesn't really have a smell. Of course, it won't matter for much longer as after some stressed out close-work I did recently Kong Wubba's stitching is compromised and it could be revealed as just a blue, tennis ball quite soon.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
All eyes turned to me and then (mercifully) back to the road. It was no good; I knew I was rumbled and before I had the chance even to lay quietly in my bed and make it smell of fox too. Sigh.
It was quite good fun in the bath though. FP was soaked by the time I'd finished and owing to the towering performance I gave of a really sorry dog, I was rewarded with treats - awesome! Plus, I noticed that we used the last of the shampoo(ch), so we won't be having a repeat bath tomorrow as no-one can shop so quickly. Phew, there's a chance that the special pile of fox doot I found this morning will still be there tomorrow...
Thursday, 23 October 2008
I quickly found the probably two-thirds remaining slab of good quality dark chocolate which FP thought she had put on a high enough shelf and figured that any determined third party would be able to find it and eat it. So, I moved it into my bed, removed and partly chewed the wrapper, then licked the chocolate a couple of times to make it look unappealing - after all, who's going to want to snaffle a bar of chocolate the dog's licked, eh? No-one's that desperate, not even someone who thought to check the dog's bed for such loot.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Just let it happen!
What I like to do is make my ear fur look a bit ragged by roughing up my bed, turning around looking at FP and then sneezing so that my ears really go huge. Never fails to get her reaching for the brushes. We always start with the ears, then I make a big play of flopping down on the floor and rolling over so FP can do my undercarriage and tail-feathers.
The only bit I'm not keen on is my tail being brushed because my tail always (ALWAYS) has knots in it.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
I was having a look for a friend of mine on the PDSA website but had no luck - no, wait! ST's found the link:
That's Sable on the right. I barked at her this morning because I thought she'd found a squirrel and might need some help dealing with it if it became frisky. Wow, isn't Phyllis great for raising so much for charity!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
I'm so wise sometimes it's scary.
Other times I'm a bit of an air-head.
Sonny and I were reading one of the tips which we've attached to this blog which was about 'exciting exercise' (16/10/08). Basically this tip suggested that hiding treats under up-turned food bowls was fun for dogs. It isn't fun, it's a stupid idea and here's why:
- there might still be food in the bowl which is invisible to the human eye (this is why many dogs will re-visit a bowl long after it seems to be empty and start licking it)
- often food bowls are heavy, being made from good quality earthenware and are therefore impossible to right without thumbs
- some food bowls are tinny, cheap efforts which are also impossible to right as they move around the floor when pushed with a nose
- other things could be trapped under the up-turned food bowl, like small puppies and children (owners practicing these 'fun exercises' should always be sure to conduct a head-count before and after)
- dogs are perfectly capable of finding fun ways to exercise, for instance, recently I posted a blog on what I do with trash bins whilst ST & FP are not around. That's FUN!
- you wouldn't like it if one of us tipped your larder on its door, would you?
So, I hope you all understand now that between resisting the (well meant) efforts of owners heeding bad advice and the various pursuits we dogs formulate for ourselves using our own brains, you can see how planning would become a key part of our routines. It sometimes looks like we're asleep. Chances are we're planning.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Instead I went to my room and made notes on the squirrel activity. I've been making progress with my stalking technique and somehow the crows have been turned to our side so they leave me alone now and pick on the bushy-tailed critters instead. I don't mind having my quarry swooped on from above - as long as I am no longer attacked from the air, I don't mind.
Crows are quite good fun to chase actually. I like to do a bit of crow-chasing when I first arrive in the park, especially if I've had a long drive. As you know I sing the whole time I'm in the car and music just makes me want to run and jump and bark! Music's great!
Monday, 13 October 2008
Well, I say fun but later on when my activities are discovered I do have to go all hang-dog and pretend to be sorry for making a mess.
I'm not sorry though! It isn't like I've pooed on the carpet (which, BTW, I've NEVER done)!
I was once caught in the act of scoffing a chocolate orange which was nearly the cause of a poo on the carpet. FP came back unexpectedly because she'd forgotten something and there was I standing with my hind legs on the back of the sofa, still gripping the shelves with my front paws whilst I ate - I couldn't have looked more guilty! I did my best to appear penitent but TBH I was already beginning to feel queasy.
Moral of this story is: stick to ripping up rubbish bins and LEAVE THE SHELVES ALONE!
Sunday, 12 October 2008
FP can speak!
I've been supervising a great deal of work in the garden over the last few days which is why I haven't had time to blog much - it's not that nothing's happening, just me being busy, busy, busy! Usual collie stuff; put that there, don't dig here (you'll find my secret stash of jumbones) and moving on by-standers who stopped in the street to watch. Honestly, haven't people got better things to do with their time than interrupt a collie supervising 2 people digging?
Sonny has been visiting his former owners as Sunday's his day off. Means I have to do stuff for myself on Sundays which reminds me how blessed I am to have an Assistant the rest of the week.
Mmmm, I can smell nice things cooking so I'm off to investigate the left-over potential.
Friday, 10 October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008
I sent Sonny
As you were.
Not punctured
Luckily with 2 collies on the case full time there's bound to be a solution soon. We've asked specialist collies with extensive training in search and rescue to look into the 'missing voice'.
In the meantime, it's rather good having an Assistant. Feel very important - which of course I am anyway - and don't have to leave as many pee-mails as before. Sonny's pp-ing the vital ones...
One thing Sonny isn't yet good at is squirrel stalking. It'll come. This morning was glorious, with a capital GLORY! Weather was great and there were plenty of bushy-tailed critters down at ground level gathering nuts. Think I might take some nuts with me tomorrow...
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Sonny - my new Assistant
Sonny's theory is that, like Kong Wubba, some enemy has punctured FP and now she can't make the same kind of noise as she used to.
Now I know exactly what we need to do; puncture repair kit from the local bike shop! We're off there right this moment...
Monday, 6 October 2008
I'm sorry, okay. Please love me again!
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Rain, rain, rain - I love it!
Puddles are good for 2 main reasons:
- I can drop Tugger (new) in them
- I can drink from them
Admittedly both these activities mean I get moaned at from both ST and FP but I can live with that and, besides, FP still has no voice so she couldn't actually order me out the puddles I was drinking. ST still grumbled about not having wellies on when he had to drag a soaked Tugger (new) from the middle of the biggest puddle on the top terrace but I just think he does it for form's sake these days.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Reasons to bark
- Postmen & couriers: an age-old favourite for cartoonists. They can be barked at safely (in most circumstances) because with a perfectly secure door between 'us' and 'them', no-one's hurt in these exchanges
- Leaflet droppers: scum, generally, IMO. Useless rubbish scattered all over the floor. These people are a worthless bunch who ignore signage telling them to "beware of dog" & "close the gate" so pretty much deserve everything they get and if that's a good barking at, then c'est la vie!
- Loiterers: anyone pausing and showing unnecessary interest in the pack's property is always worth barking at to make the point that there are consequences to trespass
- People in the park (including other dog owners): if they stop ST &/or FP during MY walk, then, yes, I am going to bark. It's MY walk, not yours!
- Our next door neighbours: I used to live next door to this chap who wore a fluorescent yellow vest. Current neighbours don't do this (TG) but still I just have to pass a comment or two on what they are wearing. I'm not criticising, no. I'm actually rather fond of them and am hoping they will come and spend the evening with us soon. Plus, a while ago I was trying to tell them that there
was a squirrel in their roof - FP’s brother: just because, you know.
Well, those are my categories. Random I’ll grant you but in part it’s a tradition and in part it’s just my way of communicating.