Saturday, 15 May 2010

Earthing up

Being a Smart Collie it occurred to me earlier as ST was working in the garden that there's a dynamite joke in the pipeline! I shall explain...
I buried a jumbone in the garden a while back and it started growing. Yes. I thought about checking the Internet for advice on what I should do next to make sure of a good, plentiful crop but then ST's been out there a couple of times a week doing what he calls 'earthing up' of his 'potatoes'! Hilarious! You know what the joke is, right? Yeah, it's: "wait until he UNEARTHS the truth"! *Rofl*
Potatoes! He thinks my Jumbone Trees are Red Dukes or some such! *Wipes tears from eyes*
I can hardly type for laughing! *Bangs paw on desk twice*
I must compose myself or ST'll hear and wonder what's making me laugh so much...*Takes a deep breath and looks out over the garden*

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