Wednesday, 29 April 2009

More footage - geddit? FOOT-age...Never mind

I kept vigilant, sniffing the air in Trafalgar Square for Deano's feet. How was I to know that 50 squillion marathon runners in sweaty trainers would be too much for 1 collie? I couldn't find him by sniff alone but I did get pooed on by a pigeon. If you ask me Trafalgar Sq is not the place to hang out when one wants to impress good looking dogs in the park later. Mind you, I could add that the way people walk after running a marathon is really not the way to attract admirers! It's like their ankles have stopped working.

I could write loads waiting for this footage to load...Hmmm, now I can't think of anything to say. Wait! I've been walking in A Different Place for the last few days and...look at that, would you! The moment I start on what could have been a really long tail (geddit?) of me romping through brambles & ditches after foxes the upload finishes! Typical. Well, I suppose I could keep my fox hunting (whoops! I DON'T hunt foxes - honest) story for another time. But it's been nice to get back on the PC after FP's been hogging it for ages. Oh look! The image is there now; it's just a short clip of me sniffing for Deano. Enjoy!

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