Saturday, 18 April 2009

Better than tempting Fate... prodding him in the backside with a red hot pitchfork.
We were ambling through one of the quieter areas of the park this morning when ST came out with that saying about Fate and a pitchfork. FP & I shared one of those raised eyebrow moments where we each know exactly what the other is thinking. I can also confirm that the raised eyebrows were partly because neither of was listening to what ST was talking about before he mentioned Fate & the pitchfork, which is a lesson to us both to pay more attention in the future if this is where his thoughts are leading these days.
FP disrupted my evening yesterday by cleaning up the study. This can mean only one thing: she's about to start hitting the books again. Which can only mean one thing: snacks! The funny thing about humans (or FP at least) is how snacking helps concentration. Whereas I find that if there's a snack within 2 metres of me, I cannot focus on anything else!
BTW, I'm over my thunder nervousness & no longer have to hang out in the bathroom (where I am safe). Weather conditions play havoc with my plans & several important errands are now behind schedule. In other news, there are many foxes about in the garden & the squirrels are again in league with the cats. Oscar, the white cat invader from earlier posts, has reappeared on the doorstep meowing in an attempt to lure FP over to the Other Side.

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