Monday, 30 June 2008


Been that kind of day - walk was fine, had a snooze, nicked some ham of the unsuspecting and careless at lunch, had another snooze, you know, that kind of thing.
Did have to motor at top speed through house at one point and had a nasty moment when I realised that the kitchen door was closed. Closed eyes and hoped for best...Luckily it pushed open! Phew.
Spotted that FP had visited the vets which means that I shall have to investigate all meals closely for worming tabs. I like to play that game where she thinks I've eaten it no problem but then at the last moment I spit it back out on the floor. This is a good way of getting tinned tuna added to daily snacks. I always take the medicine in the end, I mean to say, who on earth wants worms?!

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