Sunday, 22 June 2008

All washed up

I suppose it couldn't last...But I smelt SO good! You guessed it, FP had me under the shower and shampooed before bedtime last night so my lovely foxy perfume is gone. Sigh. It was good while it lasted.
I've done a great deal of running over the weekend, laying the ground work for a scheme which will one day bring me a top prize: the beer can chicken left-overs.
Basically, how it will work is:
  • I become super fit through chasing after toys, crows and squirrels in the park
  • At the same time as working on becoming super fit I develop a way of separating FP & ST from the left-overs by pretending to have heard something suspicious in another part of the house, or possibly in the garden
  • Once they are distracted trying to work out what I'm on about, I nip back and hide the left-overs upstairs in my room
  • I should also give some thought to innocent facial expressions (or extreme sleepiness impressions so that I can slope off to munch my way through the chicken in peace).

Hmmm. There is much to do.

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