Monday, 15 July 2013

It is of the hotness

AS and I are finding this Heat Wave tough going. For example, I like to chill out on the lawn* when I'm not chilling out in the house however it's bloody boiling at the top of the garden and I feel like my brain's on fire by the time I drag myself indoors.
AS does no better than me but she likes to hide out amongst the bushes so by the time she's dragging fried brain indoors she's gone a sort of greyish colour and is covered in dust.
Both of us are drinking a lot more water than usual but AS dribbles so the kitchen floor's nearly always covered in water. This dribbling thing puts a tick in both the 'pro' and the 'con' column for AS visits as far as I'm concerned. It's too hot for me to spend any effort deciding whether it's more pro than con though.
We're walking earlier in the park but it's still too warm for us to do much. I've barked at hardly anyone since the Heat Wave began** and AS has attempted her special Boneless Protest*** a number of times only to be hauled back onto her paws and taken to a shady area.
I'd give anything for an ice lolly right now.

*I say lawn but it's more like a piece of scrub land thanks to the fact that I pee on it daily
**The Heat Wave began a lot longer ago in dog time, remember that
***AS's Boneless Protests amount to her flopping down in a heap, as if crushed by an anvil which is then lifted to reveal the devastated body of a dog. Often one skinny little leg is poking out from underneath her body at a queer angle. It's quite funny to see her in action but it never achieves her aim of being carried about the rest of the walk.

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