Thursday, 21 October 2010

Feeling a bit down?

I gather that times are hard. FP & I sat listening to the radio yesterday as others variously ranted, raved, coaxed & cajoled depending on their 'politics'.
Now, I don't know for sure that 'politics' aren't a bit like fleas (certainly I have seen humans scratching their heads whilst discussing them, which is indicative) but I do know when it's time to offer some good old-fashioned collie advice:
Roll in fox doot. Yes.
Rolling in fox doot lifts the spirit and the effects are long lasting. Let me give you an example, after a really decent roll not so long back I was doing some running. I picked up so much speed at one point that a big gust of fox doot smell washed over me when I slowed and the air about me caught up. It was fantastic *looks off into middle distance, remembering...*

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