I'm adding a linky for you to clicky.
*sighs and looks thoughtful* In some ways I realise that this research is useful and am happy to allow it to continue but, in other ways, it just makes me mad as hell.
*stands up and turns around to look out of the window* You see, cats are a provoking kind of animal. I was provoked the other evening whilst sitting at my gate. A human woman came along past my house being escorted BY HER CAT. Wrong in many ways. As I was ushered indoors before I could really get started with barking and growling at this up-start cat, I metaphorically shook my clenched paw at the world - IT IS NOT A CAT'S DUTY TO ESCORT PEOPLE! THAT'S WHAT DOGS DO.
*licks paw* I'm over it now but if you do decide to play Tagpuss and find yourself thinking "Awww, wook at the liccle puddycat..." just imagine being inconvenienced by having to wait until your cat is ready before you can leave for work in the morning. Then search for the tag which says 'scheming'.