Friday, 18 June 2010

Dear World...

...Please help me to find the person in charge of Names so that I can ask for no babies to be named Vuvuzela (see earlier post comments).
Being a dog I gain experience a great deal more quickly than humans (see dog years) and I can tell you from the future that babies named Vuvuzela will be unhappy and friendless. They will not be dog owners. They will probably have squirrels in their attic spaces when they own houses.
This awful warning from the future was made possible by unanimous vote at a meeting of thousands of dogs all over the country who are older and wiser than any human thinks. Listen to us, humans!
In other news, I ate my breakfast this morning and my ears are now recovered. Yays! *punches air*
The lawn is, well, let's just say that the lawn is not doing so good. Thankfully the jumbone plants are beginning to reach out and claim parts of it - I am so looking forward to that crop! ST planted some sprouts next to the jumbones, I think for my convenience in the ongoing squirrel battle. Sprouts are pretty good for throwing (but only pre-cooked ones. Boiled sprouts work like boomerangs - you've been warned).
As you were, humans.

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