Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Signed photos!

NunuThunder (I am now referring to myself in the 3rd person) has decided to keep a stash of signed photos for my fans to take with them after they have visited me.
Having spent a great deal of time practising my smile, I have reached a level of poise and beauty rivalled only by Lassie (who wasn't a bitch, ever). Having gone to all this trouble I cut along sharpish to a photo booth and had some pics taken with my new brilliant grin. I've made them all extra valuable by adding my signature and YOU can have one if you can answer me this question:
What's it all about?
In other news, FP has made some big decisions but she's not letting on what they are.
ST nearly lost a glove the other week. Nearly, but not quite since we found it where he left it. Phew!
FP took me out walking and I managed to scare the bejesus out of some lib-dem canvassers, which just goes to show!
Actually, that's about as involved as I like to get with politics. I mean to say, if they are THAT jumpy when all I'm doing is walking along the street then what would they be like if I revealed the plans I have for taking power? It all goes back to the squirrels and their awful threat against us all. Squirrels. Will I never have peace from the squirrels?
And finally, have you heard Bryan Adams' song about being his friend? I have (about 16 billion times by now) and I think it is about a dog. Why? Well, it's about someone who's been a friend to him and dogs are just about the best friends anyone can ever have. Wonder if it's a collie? If your dog is a collie then not only do you have a friend, but you also have a keeper of all treats and treat cupboards, play-maker and Guardian-Protector against the squirrel threat.

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