Saturday, 22 August 2009

200 & I'm getting serious about pond life

So, the other day I went in the pond in the park. It's a smelly pond and other dogs have emerged from its depths with eye infections and poorly stomachs. I emerged stinking like a swamp-thing.
In the past when this has happened (usually by complete accident) I have been put in the bath immediately on returning to base camp (or home for the non-military amongst you), and my post-walk jumbone has been delayed.
However, on this day ST did not subject me to the walk of shame straight into the bath. He dutifully delivered my jumbone from the cupboard and got on with his day. Even though I ate my jumbone I knew that I was in Trouble.
Sure enough when FP arrived home she conducted a sniff test after ST ratted me out. Honestly she hadn't even made it through the front door before he started spilling the beans!
Without so much as a by your leave, FP had me in the bath and hosed down WITH COLD WATER! Brrrr...
Now I don't seem to mind cold water when its pond water but putting me in the bath with my delicately scented/deeply uncool
shampoo and using cold water just underlines how much I should not be jumping in the pond! No matter how hot the day, or how many other dogs are leading the way. No.
I am a collie and should set a better example. Yes.

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