Saturday, 16 May 2009

TG for the weekend

My paw is much better, thank you very much but I am still making the most of the sympathy vote and am blogging from a comfortable bed on a Saturday morning.
ST has taken the precaution of ordering some walkers (neat little shoe things with velcro fastenings) for me in case I hurt my leg again and I quite like them - better than that blue bandage thing the vet put on me. It 'fell' off (honest) pretty quickly but not before I had been spotted by other dogs in the park. Embarrassing.
I have to listen to some harp music today, choose some tracks for later in the summer when I am to be entertained by a harpist, if you please! That's much posher than anything Princess Leia gets up to!
Actually I have an important job to do today: FP must (repeat MUST) do some writing and by this evening I am hoping to be proof reading a report about marketing. It's not technically something I know that much about but I do enjoy the Alexander Orlov adverts on TV so I know what to look for in a good campaign. BTW, did you know that Alexander has a Facebook page? He's really looking forward to the Eurovision Song Contest this evening.

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