Saturday, 28 February 2009


Well so here's my 150th post. My typing skills have improved hugely since I've been blogging and never underestimate how tricky it is to type when one has paws! Humans don't, IMO, give enough thanks for thumbs.

We were late getting to the park this morning owing to the Super 14 season having started. My Saturday mornings seem now to be delayed by FP having to watch southern hemisphere teams exercise impressive skills learnt from an early age apparently at the expense of a vast number of sheep, bulls and kangaroos. If you ask me there's something not quite right in all this taking advantage of animals who were just going about their business in an innocent fashion when suddenly an aspiring prop forward tackles from behind. I mean honestly.

1 comment:

Peter Dixon (Owner) said...

Dear NuNu
Sorry to have been tardy in writing to you, but I REALLY wanted to let you know that I'm very touched that you want me to be a bridesmaid at the wedding of the year. I'll be in touch with dress designs shortly.
love from HRH