Wednesday, 28 January 2009

It got longer because I'm the Boss of you!!!

This part of my message goes out to Motwoozle...
I try so HARD to make you love me and yet you resist. Well, you'll find now that whenever you try to send ANYTHING from here it'll start going backwards once it hits 95%! Yes, every time! 4 minutes and counting - upwards!
That's better. The rest of you can join in again now, I just had to get that off my chest.
So, the main question of the day yet again centred on chocolate. I have still not done anything about those chocolate fingers in the study, other than verifying that they are, in fact, dark chocolate and therefore foul pestilence and not to be eaten (by me). FP reports that Mrs. Jones is a Milkie, so I think I should get to know her. The choice of Bounty is regrettable but I am sure that a little persuasion and the odd hint about how much I like just plain milk chocolate, she'll be munching away on a bog standard bar of Dairy Milk soon enough. Did you get that, FP? Dairy MILK! Not Bourneville.

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