Thursday, 28 July 2011

Sore shoulder

Not that any of you sent me cards to mark the occasion but I recently turned 7 years old.
I have developed Wisdom commensurate with my Age. I'm keeping it to myself for the time being as you are all much more interesting without the benefit of what I could tell you.
I have also developed Sore Shoulders. This is impacting on how often I can post to this blog - getting on the chair to reach the keyboard is not an insubstantial task (I have legs and tail feathers to arrange in lady-like fashion, after all). Aching limbs also means less Tugger chasing which is impacting on how many rolls I can perform on the terraces. I should explain; for a long while now I have been able to fool both ST & FP into thinking I am victory rolling on Tugger after each good catch, whereas in fact I am rolling for the sake of rolling. Dogs love rolling on grass and sometimes there is fox poo, sometimes there isn't but a roll is a roll and they're nearly impossible to resist.
So that's all from me for the time being. It is almost supper time and I haven't licked my front paws in preparation yet, or dug up my bed.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Where are they?

Don't get me wrong; I've enjoyed staying with Nunuthunder, ST & FP but my real owners should be back soon.
I'm gonna keep watch for them...

Friday, 1 July 2011


My temporary owner, FP, has compared me to a deflated rugby ball and decided I would not be worth throwing for NunuThunder to chase. Phew! Apparently, if my legs had been shorter it would have been a different outcome.
Also, apparently if I had not raided the kitchen dustbin the comparison would not have taken place.
I don't understand why bins are so precious to humans. I do understand that humans put stuff in the bin that they have finished with. If a dog like me can find a use for your discarded wrappers and containers, why not leave me to it? *tilts head, all cute*


Car hammock funs. I quite like this hammock in the car as it means I can fall heavily asleep and if the car stops or goes downhill I won't fall off the seat. I look like I'm not enjoying this ride but in fact I had spotted a gravy bone on the floor - crazy love gravy bones, me!