Monday, 28 February 2011

Asleep on the sofa

Earlier I tried sleeping over by the window but it's not as good as sleeping here on the sofa.
FP and I had a chat about the fact that I did go in the puddles in the park today so I'm not the cleanest dog in the room (although I am the only dog in the room) and my concession to this chat was to move to the end of the sofa with my blanket on it. I was at the other end originally because ST is not there right now. There are no strategic advantages to ST's end of the sofa, I just like to sleep there when he isn't.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Always back up your files

  1. At least TRY to keep track of your usernames and passwords
  2. Don't put off backing up your computer files
  3. Before you download a programme, ask yourself if you really want it
  4. Delete programmes you are not using
  5. Empty the trash every now and then!
That is all.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

I sees things & I laughs

Stuff's funny all over the world and it makes me ROFL. True fact about Nunu.