Wednesday, 26 January 2011

When no-one's around...

FP and I have been having a chat about where the butter's gone.
I made out I was listening but really only heard "...turn my back for 5 minutes...", "...picking up after you..." and such.
Butter's great though, isn't it? I think it's great and I'm going to ask other dogs if they agree so that FP can get over this obsession she has with me not gaining access to buttery goodness every now and then.
Right, must time for me to sit at the top of the stairs growling *waves*

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Let sleeping cats lie

FP & I have been having 'a chat' about what I should do when I find a cat sleeping on the pavement.
I'm a reasonable dog, some would say more than reasonable on some issues, but I find my placid, easy-going nature severely tested by cats sleeping on pavements. Yes.
Take this morning. I left for my walk and there on the pavement was a sleeping cat.
As we continue our walk to the park, there was another sleeping cat sleeping in the way, on the pavement asleep.
In a quiet street very close to the park gates there was a sleeping cat IN THE ROAD! Yes; IN THE ROAD!
I'm sure you'll agree that all my reasonable-ness has been used up for today, n'est-ce pas?

NunuThunder: very excellent and reasonable dog.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Stiff legs

Walked to the park this morning & I'm paying the price now; my legs are awfully stiff. If I was human-shaped, I'd be putting my hand on my hips & stretching left & right slowly, with a grimace on my face.
On the plus side I think FP has a blister on each foot and if that doesn't teach her a lesson, I don't know what will!
Disappointingly there were no good sniffs to be had from any of the gardens en route to the park, which  surprised me because there were lots of bins out & I would have thought the foxes might have been in action. FP giggled about the fact that I missed the fluffiest cat which was sitting on a wall. To be fair, we were walking up a steeeep hill at the time & I was working hard to pull FP along with me - cannot stand it when she lags behind on hills!
In other news, we did not bump into Molly so we still have her ball.
P.S.: My paws need so much licking that I hardly know how I find time to do anything else in a day!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Gum in the grass

This morning in celebration of a great catch* I put Tugger on the grass and then rolled on it. I stood up when FP started screaming loudly.
Apparently rolling on boggy, wet grass is upsetting for owners to see and, indeed, when I stood up I was a complete mess. I shook but that made FP scream again as she was standing close by...
Apparently wet, muddy dogs shaking near people is upsetting...Who knew?
Later it was discovered that I had inadvertently also rolled on some chewing gum, which had stuck in my fur. Can you guess what happened later? Yes, that's right, I was put in the bath.
Apparently chewing gum does not wash out of fur, just as it does not wash out of human hair, so FP had to snip a little of my mane. This is not good. 
I am the fluffiest dog in the house this evening. I smell nice and I don't have gum in my fur anymore. If you saw me, you would want to cuddle me.
*Tugger flies great through the air and I can usually catch it on one bounce off firm ground since, rather than watching its flight, I like to belt off in the general direction I think it's going in. With the ground being so heavy, good bounces are few and far between (I'm more likely to end up with muddy water in my eyes from a splash down). If I pull of a great catch without letting Tugger bounce, I think a celebratory roll is not too much.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Anger Management

Last October I used this blog to vent about cat owners.
At the time I was a Poorly-Nunu and didn't think about whether what I wrote might make cat owners and even cats feel down. Afterwards when I was a Better-Again Nunu I thought about it and I've been thinking about it again today.
This is a wide open space where I put my thoughts and people can read them and tell me what they think in return. That's how blogs, Twitter, Facebook etc work - wide open spaces. What happens on the blog doesn't stay on the blog, it gets out in the world and cat owners who read my October post might still remember that I didn't sound like the cute Nunu I really am (honest).
So here's what I will do: I will probably get cross again at some point (you know, about people leaving open the garden gate or people letting off fireworks). But I'm not going to come here to this blog and vent when that happens. I'm gonna go chew my blue ball or dig up my bed. Have a snooze. Drink some water. After I've calmed down, if I want to talk to you about my feelings, I'll come here and do it thoughtfully remembering that this is where you get to form opinions about me.
Of course, there'll still be silly posts about how many puddles I jumped in on my walk (this morning it was ALL OF THEM!)... I was in such a state I had to be towelled off before I got in the car *ROFL*

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Fit for 2011

I did some running with a friend
 He's faster than me and looks crazy when he's running
 Then he looked sad 'cos he hurt his foot
 So I went and sat in my tree
Then I went home.