Monday, 28 September 2009

Today is World Rabies Day

Hurray! Rabies is 100% avoidable, don't you know. You can avoid it by various means and I'd have to say that top of the list would be looking after dogs better. Remember people, opposable thumbs mean you are in charge.
Here's a link if you are interested in reading more. Goodness, there's also a whole website (I am not making this up!)
Just so that you know, @infobunny will be celebrating by biting people. If you are bitten by @infobunny today and later contract rabies you could probably write in to the WRD website and get your picture taken.

Thursday, 24 September 2009


Tonight we have had fun with @The_Librain & @leehancock & @ijclark!
Whilst today I was driven mad by Scout chasing away the squirrels. It is Friday tomorrow people!


I love Velouria and have it on repeat play.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Ohhh, that hurts

I've hurt my leg so I'm having to type with one paw. Never easy at the best of times with 2 paws I'm finding this intensely annoying. I think I've pulled something and may have to ease up on chasing off the puppies this week in the park (but all the rest of you must not take advantage of my predicament - I will still be barking at you all).
FP's fine. It wasn't swine flu she had though I made sure by sitting with her all through Friday after she was sent home from work and then the parts of Saturday that she spent on the sofa. I like to sit on the sofa.
I've been reading about Marcus Trescothick and think we should check out his website (when it is finished - hurry up). Cricket is very amusing, especially when you are on enforced bed/sofa rest with a pulled something in your leg. I could be struggling for fitness for a few months here and I am concerned about losing my place in the organised fight against the Squirrel Army.
I have noticed that the recent brutal treatment of the trees in my park has meant that there are way fewer squirrels gathering up nuts. This means that FP & ST have been picking up conkers and are now planning a tournament. They don't even have hard hats!
I might even have sustained my injury by trying to make a sharp turn in an area littered with acorns. The slo-mo footage would show me picking up speed only to have to change direction in short measure. As I turn I unwittingly twist my ankle on an acorn which the camera zooms in on. Bang! I've pulled something and it is all because the bloody squirrels failed to pick up the acorns.
Part of today's walk was spent in the maze. ST tried to cheat by peering over the tops of the hedges but we still went wrong.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Me time

I've taken the opportunity to spend some time at the PC whilst FP's sleeping off some swine flu (possibly, its unconfirmed). Found a link to this from a book shop site and thought it was kind of fun. No idea about the stories being any good though...

Saturday, 5 September 2009

7,000-10,000 AND the Squirrels

Today I could not walk in the park and you know why? I'll tell you why...GIRL GUIDES! Thousands of them, as far as the eye could see.
I had to walk otherwheres* and it was not as good. It was okay, just not like my parky-park.
The squirrels have played a blinder this weekend and ensured that 7,000-10,000 girl guides means no dog shall play with them (or stalk, chase, hunt whatever). The biggest threat the squirrels will face this weekend is being taken home and dressed in pink for cute photos that will end up on the Internet.
On the other hand I have had other duties protecting the perimeter from invasion by People I Don't Know. Here are some pictures of me in action (I'm at my terrifying best):

I'm watching you...

I'm watching you with my bright eyes.
*the interesting thing about spell-checker with this word is that 'Motherwell' is offered as an alternative. Strange, huh?