Today I could not walk in the park and you know why? I'll tell you why...GIRL GUIDES! Thousands of them, as far as the eye could see.
I had to walk otherwheres* and it was not as good. It was okay, just not like my parky-park.
The squirrels have played a blinder this weekend and ensured that 7,000-10,000 girl guides means no dog shall play with them (or stalk, chase, hunt whatever). The biggest threat the squirrels will face this weekend is being taken home and dressed in pink for cute photos that will end up on the Internet.
On the other hand I have had other duties protecting the perimeter from invasion by People I Don't Know. Here are some pictures of me in action (I'm at my terrifying best):

I'm watching you...

I'm watching you with my bright eyes.
*the interesting thing about spell-checker with this word is that 'Motherwell' is offered as an alternative. Strange, huh?