Thursday, 9 July 2009

No cookies in the library

When the Cookie Monster went to the library
FP tells me that sometimes it can be hard to explain about food in the library.

This is Simon

Simon is lost and his family need him back. Read this:
I worry about dogs who get separated from their families. I worry if I lose sight of ST & FP for even a few seconds. If I'm chasing a fox it takes me longer to get worried, but I always do.
I've had to be in the downstairs loo a lot recently owing to the weather. I have started checking the Met Office long range forecasts so that I can stock up on snacks in both the downstairs loo and the bathroom but, TBH, it doesn't suit any of us for me to spend so much time in these areas.
I've got loads to catch up on and Big Fat Squirrel is going nuts (geddit?) in the back gardens. Definitely needs putting back in his box.