Saturday, 27 June 2009


Thank G for wi-fi. I'm in the downstairs loo & plan to remain here until the weather stops fighting with itself. ST & FP are acting like everything's normal but I KNOW there's bad stuff happening in the sky. Woe, I am so despair!
Last weekend I was in Scotland checking out some woods and Doune castle. If you've ever watched The Holy Grail, Doune Castle is where the French taunt Arthur & his knights. Anyway, there were no knights there when I was last Saturday but plenty of dopey rabbits. And steep slopes which kind of wore me out so that I had to have a dip in the river to cool off afterwards. It's pretty fast flowing though so I'd say if any of you wanted a splash about, you'd need to be careful about where you went in. I met some deer in the woods & between them, the squirrels & a couple of foxes it was a jolly old long weekend for Nunu!
ST's been having some trouble with something called a wheel-locking nut. Now, I suspect this is something to do with a new squirrel threat & it's meant that the car has disappeared. I need the car back as the replacement is rubbish. There're no windows in the back so I can't do 'dog-with-head-out-of-window' & the breaks are shockingly abrupt. Along with the actual thunder, I'd say the car situation is the thing causing me the most trouble right now in life.
You might also notice that I've posted a presentation about information literacy. Second Life might be the only way any of you will ever get to enjoy a pension, so I suggest you all go off & create at lest 2 avatars to earn you some extra money against a long old age.

Saturday, 20 June 2009


I've found a place where there are loads of rabbits and they're all a bit dozy. Just this morning we had some great chases up and down slopes, into fields and luckily there was a river nearby for me to cool off my paws. Haven't run so madly in ages!
I think FP might be part St Bernard as she managed to find me even when I hadn't told her where I was and (AND) she pulled a thorn out of my eye-lid. ST probably isn't a ST Bernard although he does enjoy a brandy every now and then.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Gosh it's hot

I've come indoors to get out of the heat. Lots of dogs really suffer in hot weather, we sit there panting with our eyes nearly closed and sometimes humans think we're enjoying ourselves. Luckily for me FP & ST always make me come inside the house to lay in the shade. They keep my water bowl topped up with fresh water too; I always drink more on hot days.
I haven't been posting much recently but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy! There's been loads going on up by the fence in the back garden. Since the foxes left that chicken carcass there a few weeks ago I've been keeping a special watch. The Staffy who lives in the next garden over has been digging a large tunnel on the quiet which is being used by some foxes to smuggle food about the area without it ever coming into my garden. What with that & the fact that ST ripped out most of a hedge my landscape is changing significantly. I'm remaking my maps of the area regularly using some open source software FP downloaded for me, plotting new places I can use to bury jumbones for a future shortage, as well as being there to rescue the ones at risk of being discovered. I'm only doing what ST seems to have realised is a good thing since he's buried a load of garlic & some potatoes against the future too.
In the park people have been remarking that I am quieter these days. That's because nearly all the puddles have dried up & the heat makes barking a premium effort for me. I can't just go about barking at everyone we meet! Also there's more to walking in the park these days than just keeping to the established route. We have to avoid all the runners taking part in various events too & I've lost count of the number of our regular owners who've been found wrapped up in that tape they use to demarcate the track for the athletes!
I'm off to have some more water. Always keep water bowls topped up!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Never let it be said that...

...I don't respond to my loyal readers! Because I do! Loyalty is important in packs which is why oh, never mind I was going to make a comment about the Bath Rugby team but life's too short.
Anyway, I've added a search function to this blog which means you can seek and retrieve all your favourites sayings, musings and general nonsense.
Did I say nonsense? Clearly I meant pearls of wisdom.