Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Busy time

I peed in a shop! I did; I was so impressed with everything (EVERYTHING) on display that I left a pee-mail near the collars and leads section. FP and ST were discussing buying me a new tartan collar and I got a bit excited, then peed.
We left with a brand new Kong Wubba and some gravy bones.
After that we were all on the beach and (warning: this next bit's upsetting) I lost Tugger AGAIN!
I just don't understand how this keeps happening to me. Well, I do know actually and it's my own fault but all the same...
Yes, so I was chasing Tugger and belting about like normal when, I don't know, I got careless and went in the sea and put Tugger down and the next thing I know is it's floating away. Then I noticed that the tide was on the way out and the breeze was off-shore. Sigh.
We sat down and watched Tugger go. Here are some snaps taken by the heartless FP (she didn't seem at all moved by Tugger's loss):

Tugger floats out to sea
Oh! I can't bear it...

I sat there at the window for hours just remembering Tugger...

Anyway the next day I felt fine as I had discovered that extra Tuggers had been supplied by my super owners, ST & FP (that's why FP was okay when Tugger was in the sea) and even though we did spend a fair amount of time skittering about on treacherous rocks looking for Tugger, we did okay with the New New Tugger, or Tugger3 (T3).

As you know at Christmas dogs like to be included in the festivities, be given presents and eat lots of leftovers. It can be very tiring. Here's a picture of my buddy Harry 'celebrating' Christmas with his owner:

Comfy little dog!

Friday, 19 December 2008

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Up-date on Kong Wubba

Just thought I'd let you all know that dear old Kong Wubba is still with us. Extremely tatty and there are bits hanging off but we can still have a good game with it!

Monday, 15 December 2008


Look at this:
I think I could live on Dog Island. I could RULE Dog Island!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

I'm so muddy

I've been enjoying splashing about in the massive puddles which have developed in the park. I still haven't quite dried out and we've been home ages, plus I've had a good towelling!
My training for not-dropping-Tugger-in-water is going well. For the last few days I've managed to drop Tugger short of the puddles. If only I hadn't barked so madly today I think I would have been one of the best dogs in London.
I cannot blog without making mention of the '29 phases'; any Quins fan will know instantly what I mean. What a fantastic 2 weeks of rugby we've had. Personally I find it too stressful to watch so I sit in the back with ST and we do other stuff whilst monitoring the scores on the Internet. FP meanwhile leaps all over the place, screaming her head off and she yelled so loudly at the final whistle from the Stoop that I came rushing in to see if she was okay. She was jumping on a chair so I sat on her to help her calm down. Eventually she muttered something about a boney elbow digging in her ribs so I shifted a bit and she wriggled away and started jumping up and down again. Well, I couldn't help smiling - FP does love the rugby!

Thursday, 11 December 2008


FP came home late yesterday and I was a little bit cross until she explained why.
It was Lorraine's last day at work with FP and they all had to make a fuss of her.
Now, when I make a fuss of another dog I bark a lot and run about. FP didn't look like she'd spent 2 hours dashing about, barking and I don't want Lorraine to miss out on the special-ness of a NunuThunder Fuss Making, so I am looking forward to meeting her in a park very soon!
I'll bring some extra toys.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

In the park this morning...

...I had some fine late season stalking! There haven't been many squirrels around owing to the chilly weather and this morning's frosty conditions certainly fooled me into thinking that I'd have to focus on chasing Tugger about the whole walk. Then, when we got to the other side of the cricket pitch there were 3 squirrels all lined up! You could have knocked me down with a feather.
Actually, it would be impossible to knock me down with a feather - I'm a collie and it takes something along the lines of the promise of part of a bacon sandwich for me to even roll over!
There were several dogs today at whom I did not bark. This is because I have a New Policy which is related to the pounding my good name took after the smashed-glass-next-to-a-packet-of-biscuits affair.
On the extra-plus side, Sonny (my assistant) has completed all my Christmas cards and we will be popping the overseas ones in the post tomorrow. I went for a traditional design rather than a picture of myself on the cards this year as I am still working hard to perfect my smile and feel I can improve still. Maybe next year.

Friday, 5 December 2008

I'm being wooed!

Recently I have been finding a French Man in the house.
Since ferocious barking did not put him off coming here I made a decision to train him and now I have an excellent situation whereby he plays Tugger with me ON DEMAND (!) and plies me with ham at lunchtime.
I think I'll keep him.
FP brought me into the study this evening and pointed to a perfectly un-ripped apart trash bin. Then she made a big fuss of me and I felt marvellous - I am a good dog! Oh, hang on. I see what she's playing at: No ripping out trash bins = Nunu Good Dog.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

I did what I could

I tried really hard to convince them that some enemy had come in and broken that glass but, dissemble as I could, they didn't go for it and today all the bins were empty. I checked them all. Empty.
FP has been poking about in the fridge and it looks like she might be thinking of cooking. This means cheese. I must go and be with her.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

It wasn't me!

Today a glass was found smashed next to a packet of biscuits. I have been blamed.
Technically it was me but if I slink about and appear to be sorry enough, I think I can make both ST and FP believe it wasn't me.